Big Data and Hadoop


Author : Er. VK Jain,B.E. (E), M.Tech, FIE, FIETE, MISHRAE

ISBN 10: 938260913X, ISBN 13: 9789382609131

Edition: First

Pages : 656,

Printed : 390

Cover Type: Paperback

Year: 2023

Language: English

Readers Review : 4.7 out of 5 stars

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Chapter 1: Overview Of Big Data
Chapter 2: Basics Of Hadoop
Chapter 3: Ibm’s Infosphere Biginsights
Chapter 4: Hadoop Distributed File System
Chapter 5: No Sql Data Management And Mongodb
Chapter 6: Hbase And Cassendra
Chapter 7: Mapreduce
Chapter 8: Jaql : Json Based Query Language
Chapter 9: Hive : The Data Ware House Of Hadoop
Chapter 10: Pig : The Higher Level Programming Environment
Chapter 11: Bigsheets Spreadsheet Like Environment
Chapter 12: Bigsheets Workbooks
Chapter 13: Sqoop : Importing Data From Heterogeneous Sources
Chapter 14: Data Stream Mining
Chapter 15: Flume: Big Data Realtime Streaming
Chapter 16: R Programming :  A Strong Visualization And Graphics Tool
Chapter 17: Other Components Of Hadoop :  Ozzie,Zookeeper And Mahout

This book introduces you to the Big Data processing techniques addressing but not limited to various BI (business intelligence) requirements, such as reporting, batch analytics,  online analytical processing (OLAP), data mining and Warehousing, and predictive analytics.

The book has been written on IBMs Platform of Hadoop framework. IBM Infosphere Big Insight has the highest amount of tutorial matter available free of cost on Internet which makes it easy to acquire proficiency in this technique. This therefore becomes highly vulnerable coaching materials in easy to learn steps.

The book optimally provides the courseware as per MCA and M. Tech Level Syllabi of most of the Universities.

All components of big Data Platform like Jaql, Hive Pig, Sqoop, Flume, Hadoop Streaming, Oozie: HBase, HDFS, FumeNG, Whirr, Cloundera, Fuse, Zookeeper and Mahout: Machine learning for Hadoop has been discussed in sufficient Detail with hands on Exercises on each.