Bulk Electric Supply and Distribution


Author : Er. VK Jain,B.E. (E), M.Tech, FIE, FIETE, MISHRAE

Publishers : Galgotia Booksource

Printed price ₹ 700.00

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List of Contents

Chapter 1  AC Circuits

Chapter 2  Internal Electrical Installations

Chapter 3  Standby Power Supplies

Chapter 4  Transforming Devices

Chapter 5  Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Chapter 6  Switchgear

Chapter 7  Overhead Distribution

Chapter 8  Under Ground Distribution

Chapter 9  Electrical Drives and their Wiring Systems

Chapter 10 Illumination

Chapter 11 Short Circuits and Protection Methods

Chapter 12 Earthing


Chapter 14 Designing Substation

Chapter 15 Energy Conservation in Electrical Equipment


About the Book:

Its multi-dimensional approach makes it equally useful for application Engineers, Students. Contractors and all technical personnel involved in Electricity distribution and application.