Design of Electrical Installations (Paperback)


  • Author Er. VK Jain,B.E. (E), M.Tech, FIE, FIETE, MISHRAE


    Er. Amitabh Bajaj (Author)

    • Publisher : University Science Press, Laxmi Publications; Second संस्करण (1 जनवरी 2016)
    • Language : English
    • Paper Back : 526 पेज
    • ISBN-10 : 8131804925
    • ISBN-13 : 978-8131804926

    A design Book For Inservice Electrical/ Mechanical Engineers and Architecture Students

    Second Edition Hard cover

    Printed price ₹ 395.00


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  1. General
  2. Illumination

Internal Electrical Wiring Installations
4. Substations
5. Overhead Supply and Distribution
6. Under Ground Distribution
7. Power Factor Correction
8. Earthing and Protection against Shock and Lightning
9. Protection against Lighting
10. A.C. Circuits
11. Transformers
12. Alternator
13. Induction Motor