Author : Er. VK Jain,B.E. (E), M.Tech, FIE, FIETE, MISHRAE
Publisher : Galgotia Publication (P) Ltd., New Delhi 1987.
Printed price ₹ 950.00
About the Book
The latest handbook on the theory and practice of pumps, based on Indian application and manufacturing, with opportune references to ISI specifications. The book is in Sl Units.
This book first deals with the theory, constructional aspects and system characteristics of all the major and minor types of pumps and subsequently takes you through the domain of pump selection and maintenance techniques. The book covers all aspects of Water Supply as well.
lf you are a professional engineer you will find this book an essential and handy working tool. lf you are an Engineer this book will help you make the right selection of pump and prime-mover for any particular application. Students will find this a comprehensive and illustrative guide easy to assimilate, dealing with all the theoretical aspects of the current day pump technology.
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