Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Disposal


Author : VK Jain, B.E. (E), M.Tech, FIE, FIETE, MISHRAE

Chartered Engineer, Chief Consultant Engineer, Retired CPWD SE (E/M), Guest/Visiting Faculty

  1. Publishers : Laxmi Publication
  1. Hard cover Printed Price 795
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Chapter 1.  : Sources of water and Need to protect water Supply

Chapter 2.  Requirements(Quantity)   of water supply to different types of buildings.

Chapter 3. Quality of water and water treatment

Chapter 4. Conveyance and Distribution of water

Chapter 5. Distribution system in campus, pipes their size, jointing and different fittings

Chapter 6.  System of plumbing and Plumbing Byelaws, Plumbing  for water supply in individual buildings

Chapter 7.  Hot and cold water supply system in a low rise and high rise building

Chapter 8. Purpose and principles of sanitation, collection and conveyance of waste matter. construction of sewer’s and sewer appurtenances, roof and surface water drainage.

Chapter 9.  Sewage Treatment Plant

Chapter 10.  Rain water’s storage and water harvesting principles and methods.